Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Like before I said at my last article, I was lost the source code of MAWAR-AV all version (2.0.87 and REBORN EDITION). But, I think I am lucky now. I have got my MAWAR-AV 2.0.87 source code (little broken) and MAWAR-AV REBORN EDITION (full source code + exe).
I will share this source code to all of you that interested to develop this software and keep share every changes to this blog. So, everybody can enjoy and help to develop it together.
If you want to get this code, please send an email to me.
IMPORTANT : This source code is for EDUCATION and OPEN SOURCE purpose ONLY.
Finnaly, i found MAWAR-AV REBORN EDITION !!
Launched on September 22, 2007 by GEROMBOLANSIBERAT / TENZSOFTWARE [R.I.P]. This is the next version of MAWAR-AV 2.0.87.
Now, its completed with autodefault registry function which is reset your registry setting when its damage by malware. Another new function is SUPER UNHIDDEN, a function for reveal all of your hidden files which is hidden by malware.
Scanning process
Tools Menu with new function
Process Killer Tools, it can kill all of unwanted application
New option : Anti Script (autoblock for Jscript and VBscript), Heuristic Scan (Check for used module), AutoDefault Registry (will auto reset your registry setting to safe / normal settings)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
How Do I Remove Malware? I’ll Show You How To Remove Malware In Minutes!
Malware is a malicious form of software installed on your computer without the owners consent. Malware can come in many different forms such as viruses, worms, trojan horses, adware, and most dangerously – spyware. I say spyware is the most dangerous form of malware because while the others can mess up your computer and slow it down, spyware does that AND steals private information such as credit card numbers and passwords.
The first thing you need to do is scan your computer for malware. I have included a link at the bottom where you can quickly get a free scan to do this for you.
If you discover your computer is infested you are probably wondering “How do I remove malware?” The following are a couple options available to you.
You can manually remove the malware through the control panel feature “Add or Remove Programs”. However, I don’t recommend removing malware by yourself. Malware can mask itself pretty well and because it can take on so many different forms, unless you are an absolute expert it is nearly impossible to eliminate all of it.. You could also accidentally remove a necessary system file which can mess your computer up even worse!
I recommend acquiring a program that detects and eliminates all forms of malware including spyware, adware, and other dangerous viruses. You can visit my website to get your free scan. You can also see after careful research, what program I consider the #1 rated malware remover on the net. Come have a look and never have to ask the question, how do I remove malware ever again.
By: Jim Marshall
A Few Quick Spyware Removal Tips To Get Your Pc Running Like New Again
1. Use a firewall. It shocks me to this day that some people still surf the internet without a firewall. Windows XP and Vista have built in firewalls you can enable. If you do not have these operating systems then download McaFee or Norton Anti Virus.
2. Download FireFox web browser. Microsoft Internet Explorer simply does not cut it these days concerning internet security. FireFox has built in features that will prevent you from acquiring spyware and contains a comprehensive pop up blocker
3. If you download music or multimedia files through P2P programs, make sure you research it firs to ensure it’s spyware free. Unfortunately most P2P sharing programs have some form of spyware or adware installed on it. You can check to see if yours is spyware free.
While the following tips can help you prevent your computer from getting spyware that is only half the battle. Studies have shown that 90% of computers have some form of spyware installed on them.
You can manually remove spyware through the control panel feature “Add or Remove Programs”. However, I don’t recommend removing spyware yourself. Spyware can often mask itself pretty well and it can be difficult to get rid of it all yourself. You could also accidentally remove a necessary system file which can mess your computer up even worse!
My top spyware removal tip is to download an excellent spyware removal program. There are many options available but I have created a website that breaks down the pros and cons of some of the best and most popular removal tools on the net. For more spyware removal tips and my #1 rated spyware remover come check out my website.
By: Jim Marshall
Free Softwares For Blocking The Malicious Content
Downloading software from the Internet is extremely easy. An individual only needs to take care of the fact that the software being downloaded is potentially safe from viruses.
There would hardly be an individual who works on the computer but isn’t well versed with the art of downloading softwares, which are available online. Most of the softwares available on the Internet and in the market are either paid or fall under the category of freeware.
There is a beeline for both the softwares i.e. shareware and freeware because there is a large percentage of people who prefer to go for both the kind of softwares, depending upon their needs. The paid softwares usually require the user to make the payment online, usually through their credit or debit cards. After making the payments, the users are entitled to download the softwares for their personal use. While going ahead for shareware, it is always better to download the software from the company’s official website so as to ensure maximum authenticity.
On the other hand, people who go for freeware need to practice more precaution while downloading softwares from the Internet. Interestingly, the percentage of people who download freeware is much higher as compared to the people who opt to go for shareware on an average. But, unlike the paid softwares, the freeware is not free from potential threat of viruses. These viruses, once downloaded on the computer along with the free software can cause considerable harm to the computer.
An experienced computer user can easily determine that these free softwares also offer a solution to the problem that they impose of malignant viruses and other spy ware. The free softwares also offer a number of anti-virus programs, which can be downloaded from the net without any extra cost. These anti-virus programs are sufficient enough to protect the computer from potential threat of viruses.
There are a large number of people who would underrate the free anti-virus programs available online. People tend to think that since these softwares are available under the category of freeware and claim to protect the computer from all potential threats and viruses they possibly couldn’t be true. Too good to be true, is the philosophy which a large number of people seem to be applying in this case.
Individuals who have been stern followers of shareware and who have spend a considerable amount of money in order to obtain anti-virus programs for the protection of their computers find it difficult to believe that the same facilities could be available without any extra cost on the Internet. Downloading softwares from the Internet is no rocket science. An individual only needs to be careful enough so that they can easily distinguish malignant softwares from the ones, which are possibly safe to download without any possible threat of viruses, and are absolutely safe to use.
A user needs to visit any website which offers the facility of downloading free softwares and then type in the desired software in the search box. After the search results show the desired software, they can easily select and download the software. A user needs to save and run the software on their computer after downloading it so that the software can be activated.
By: Rishi Modi1 Rishi Modi1
Gucup Antivirus removes malware on your computer.
If you want to scan very quick and fast your computer without installing a lot of applications and updates you can choose Gucup Antivirus.
Gucup Antivirus's main window showing the menu, the location to scan, the scanning progress bar and a list of all the infected files found on the computer.
The Drive, Folder or File window lets you choose the type of scan that you want to perform: you can choose a single file on your computer, an entire folder or a computer drive.
The Registry menu allows you to recover Windows Registry, check registry or set AutoRun registry value.
The Options menu gives you the possibility to choose whether or not to show the hidden files and folders selection and many other application settings.
Download :
Elaborate Facebook Worm Virus Spreading
Thursday, August 7, 2008; 1:57 PM
Facebook malware attacks to date have largely consisted of getting user credentials via phishing sites and then spreading spam and additional phishing attempts. But a new worm is disseminating through Facebook that aims to install trojan software on a user's machine.
The worm spreads when a compromised user's account is used to send message to others with a title such as "LOL. You've been catched on hidden cam, yo:" and a link to a random URL. The linked website is a YouTube-like page that shows a video player along with what looks like a standard browser message to update your Flash installation. Clicking on the button begins a malware installation of a file called "codecsetup.exe." We didn't go so far as to install the software, but our guess is that it zombies your computer, installs a keylogger, and other fun stuff.
A nasty feature of the worm is that it takes the profile picture of the sending infected user and adds it to the linked website. This makes it all look much more legitimate for the potential victim. Facebook users are notoriously naive when it comes to security awareness, and a certain percentage of users will always end up falling for this kind of social hack. There's little Facebook can do other than attempt to filter out the landing website in messages.
Source :